Nicole Andrews
Now it's all done making music video for Nicole Andrews's song "echo". This is my first music video direction and it was kind of challenge for me.
ニコールアンドリュースさんの曲 echo のミュージックビデオが完成しました。私の初めてのミュージックビデオのディレクションです。初チャレンジでした。
Poster designed by Kumiko Matumoto
The artist selection has been finalized 14th September. A lot of applicants have been applying our event and we really appreciate about it. Wonderful and very unique 13 artists are selected for this year. On our new SNS pages we'll update more information about LIFElike JAPAN 2018 Wellington Japan Festival and each of participating artists.
9月14日に選考会にてアーティストが決定しました。私たちの開催するイベントにたくさんのご応募ありがとうございました。ユニークで素晴らしい13人のアーティストがセレクトされました。LIFElike JAPAN 2018 Wellington Japan Festival とそれぞれのアーティストについての詳細は私たちのSNSページに更新されます。
facebook @lifelikejapan
instagram @lifelikejpn
twitter @lifelikejpn
We are looking for contemporary artists who want to participate in the Japan Festival 2018, an exciting and quality art event which will be held in Wellington. This is a one-day event, however we are expecting a large number of visitors during the day at TSB Arena. This would be a great opportunity for artists to release their artworks to the public with other artists who also have great potential. Selected artists can join the exhibition without cost.
See exhibition statement below and send us your portfolio!
ウェリントンのジャパンフェスティバル2018内で開催されるエキサイティングでクオリティ高いアートイベントに参加を希望される現代アーティストを募集しています。 これは1日のイベントですが、TSBアリーナでは日中多くの来場者が見込まれます。自分の作品を他の可能性あふれるアーティストと一緒に公開できる絶好の機会です。選ばれたアーティストは無料で展覧会に参加できます。
------------------------------------------ Exhibition Statement
As part of the Japan Festival to be held on November 24, 2018, we are planning to hold a group exhibition of Japan themed contemporary art. Japanese contemporary artist and curator Miki Watanabe will do the curation for this group exhibition.
2018年11月24日に開催されるジャパンフェスティバルの一環として、日本をテーマにした現代美術のグループ展を開催する予定です。 このグループ展のキュレーションは、日本の現代アーティスト兼キュレーターのMiki Watanabeが担当します。
Exhibition period: November 24
開催期間: 11月24日
Venue: TSB Arena
場所: TSBアリーナ
Participating artists: A total of approximately ten artists including Japanese residents of New Zealand, New Zealanders, and foreigners, all active in the fields of contemporary art.
Exhibition description: The works displayed at the group exhibition will share the theme: "Japan." Ten artists who live in New Zealand will exhibit their works, each unique and according to the artist’s particular style and method of expression, yet sharing one common theme: Japan. The participating artists will include painters, sculptors, designers, calligraphers, installation artists, etc., all of whom are noteworthy artists who are active in their respective fields. A highlight of the exhibition will be Japanese painters’ and sculptors’ works that use delicate, traditional expressions and techniques unique to Japan. These will intrigue the Japan Festival’s visitors who are interested in Japanese culture. In addition, the contemporary artists' works will allow visitors to catch a candid glimpse of Japan, particularly in regard to the country's recent development and the social issues concomitant to it. A calligraphy workshop is to take place within the exhibition venue on the 24th, the day of the festival.
Specifications of artworks and exhibition space: An art exhibition booth will be set up in the central part of the first floor lobby of the TSB Arena. Ten pieces of artwork will be displayed in an austere-looking, white, cubic space made by placing partition walls in square-form. About half of the works on display (approximately five pieces) are to be two-dimensional artworks and crafts (each piece’s width will be under 150cm). A 1000cm wall or partition (movable wall) will be required to display these pieces with plenty of room. *(150cm (a piece’s width) + 50cm (space in between pieces) x 5 (number of pieces) = 1000cm)
作品仕様と展示スペース:TSBアリーナ1階ロビー中央部にアート展示ブースを設置します。白壁パーテーションを配置したスペースに10点の作品が展示されます。 展示作品の約半分(約5点)は、平面作品やクラフト(各作品の幅は150cm未満)になります。 これら作品を十分なスペースで展示するには1000cmの壁または仕切り(可動壁)が必要になります。 *(150cm(ピースの幅)+ 50cm(ピース間のスペース)x 5(ピースの数)= 1000cm)
The remaining pieces (about five pieces) will be three dimensional and will not require a wall; they will be displayed on the floor of the exhibition space. (Each three-dimensional piece will be no larger than 100 x 100 x 100cm.) An exhibition space having a minimum of 55 square meters will be required to display the pieces with plenty of room while also leaving room for workshop space.
残りの作品(約5作品)は立体作品で壁は不要です。 スペース床面に展示されます。(立体作品1点あたり100×100×100cm以下)十分なスペースを確保しながら、ワークショップスペースを確保するため、55平方メートル以上の展示スペースが必要となります。
Artist and Artwork requirements: We are especially looking for: Digital artists, sculptors, ceramic artists and installation artists.
Artwork: Two-dimensional piece: 150 x 300 cm maximum or three-dimensional piece 100 x 100 x 100 cm maximum. *Ceiling hanging of three-dimensional pieces is not available due to the venue. *If you plan to build larger artwork than this criteria, please let us know.
作品:平面作品最大150 x 300cm、立体作品最大100x 100 x 100cm。
How to apply: Send your portfolio and artist statement to:
note: Once the quota for artists is reached, we will not be able to accept further applicants.